Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pink Candy Giveaway!

This Candy is now closed! Winner announced soon!
This post will remain on top, until the giveaway ends. Please scroll down for any newer posts. Thank you!

Good evening everyone!
The kids are fast asleep in their beds, i finally have a chance now to try and post my blog candy.
Blogger is finally letting me post! yay.

As we all are aware October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I'm sure we know someone who has/had breast cancer. This cancer has taken someone dear to me also. My grandmother passed away 11yrs ago. It was detected too late. But for you and me and its not too late. Get mammograms and check yourself every month.

Up for grabs is some Pink Candy!!!!

How do you win?
1) Just leave a comment about someone who is dear to you and why.
2) If you post on your blog/sidebar thats one extra entry. ( leave me anothe comment)
No need to follow me unless you want to. ( I know some people do follow to enter, but then leave afterwards. So to save me the heartache, follow only because i interest you... LOL )
Ends on Nov 6, Winner announced on Nov 7.

The details:
1 x Notepad & pen
1 x Survivor bracelet
1 x Me & My Big Idea Stickers
1 x Recollections alpha letters
1 x Studio G Ink Pad ( pink)
1 x Roll of ribbon
1 x Martha Stewart jar of microbeads
2 x Martha Stewart glitter glue
6 x Basic Grey single sheets
1 x packages of paper flowers

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!


~amy~ said...

I sadly have lost my aunt to breast I'm good about getting my annual mammos etc..thanks for posting this wonderful tribute post:)

Have A Scrap Happy Day said...

Hi Juli,
Gosh, you're working super hard. Hope you get a nice break soon so you can play with your Cricut and rubber stamps. :-) It so nice of you to encourage your fellow bloggers to get a mammogram and do monthly self exams. One person dear to me would definitely be my friend but I'd rather leave her name out if you don't mind. She's been thru many health challenges and still has a cheerful and positive attitude towards life.....a true inspiration.

Have A Scrap Happy Day said...

Hi again,
I just posted your yummy candy on my sidebar. THANKS!!! :-)

Marlene said...

Hey there Juli!

YAY! I can leave a comment now! :)

My mother is a 20 year breast cancer survivor. I just had a scare myself, (had an abnormal mammogram that I had to go back in for further testing) - but everything is ok! Whew.

You've got some great bloggy candy there. You're so generous. I hope you've entered my bloggy candy giveaway, too. It ends this Sunday.

Ori said...

1. My friend Leet, is dear to me because she's always supportive to me.

Ori said...

2. I post your blog candy on my blog sidebar :)

I just become your follower, because I just realised today that I have had your blog amongst my bookmark. I follow many craft blogs, at firs because of the candy, but later I need them for inspirations...since I'm not experienced.

Glad to see that you raise your blog visitors awareness on the need of mammogram.

Anonymous said...

My mom is in the hospital right now because of multiple bone fractures. She is dear to me and makes me realize how short life is.

Jenny V. said...

Thanks for doing this. It makes us realize that we do need to take it serious to do our monthly exam and follow up with a physician. My aunty was also dx. with breast cancer but she detected early and got the lump remove. I'm glad she got it remove before the cancer starts to grow. That is why we need to do our regular breast exams, it is important. My thoughts, love & support goes out to those who are fighting this disease.