Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Are you ready for Black Friday shopping?

I know Black Friday deals are happening in the US next week, but up here in Canada we are having some Black Friday deals too! Well i know at least my M's is =)

Is there anything big on your shopping list? Any good deals you'd like to share?
For me, I have a weakness for paper, even though i think i have enough..hahaa... so if there are great deals, i might breakdown and buy some more! Also i'm hoping to get some more Cricut carts =)


Marlene said...

I love Black Friday shopping...but oh boy, I think I'm gonna pass this year. Ok, maybe not....maybe I'll still go....heehee.

I know WalMart (even though I hate shopping there) has some DVDs for $1.97 and Blu Rays for $7 this year. (I have a large movie collection).

Anonymous said...

Hey, I read your profile and noticed that you said your a newbie? I myself have been crafting for about 8months now. I fell in love with all things scrappy I suppose :) Anyway, Karens-kakes-krafts told me that all of us newbies should support eachother. So, I thought that I would follow your blog and help you out :) Awesome blog btw, super pretty :) Happy Scrapping!!

Hi, I am Karen Driscoll said...

Hi Juli, I found your blog through Kasey. I am hopeing to get the Flip camera on sale at Nest buy, and Walmart, both have it for $99.00, so I can try my hand at making videos for my blog. I can't wait to look at all of your work, and feel free to check mine out also. Karen